
Releases are created every few months, usually accompanied by a Progress Report article. Use the latest release if you prefer stability over the newest features in the development versions.

The Windows releases require the 64-bit Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 to be installed.

2407 3 weeks, 3 days ago Release for July 2024
5.0-21460 2 months, 4 weeks ago
5.0-21264 4 months ago
5.0-21088 5 months, 3 weeks ago
5.0-20347 8 months, 1 week ago

View older releases »

Versi pembangunan

Development versions are released every time a developer makes a change to Dolphin, several times every day! Using development versions enables you to use the latest and greatest improvements to the project. However, they are less tested than releases.

The Windows development versions require the 64-bit Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2022 to be installed.

2407-103 2 days, 22 hours ago Cached Interpreter 2.0 (PR #12723 daripada mitaclaw)
2407-97 3 days, 9 hours ago AchievementManager: Fix incorrect check on network request return value in FetchBadge() (PR #12950 daripada AdmiralCurtiss)
2407-95 3 days, 9 hours ago Debugger: Various fixes (PR #12862 daripada SuperSamus)
2407-88 3 days, 10 hours ago DolphinTool: list filesystem recursively (PR #12943 daripada Tilka)
2407-86 3 days, 10 hours ago cmake: Fix building with system minizip-ng (PR #12910 daripada ReillyBrogan)
2407-84 3 days, 15 hours ago Emitters: Define Trivial Getters Inline (PR #12948 daripada mitaclaw)
2407-82 5 days, 10 hours ago Use C++20 erase_if() instead of erase(remove_if()) (NFC) (PR #12945 daripada Tilka)
2407-80 5 days, 10 hours ago Fix double-definition under newlib (PR #12946 daripada SimoneN64)
2407-78 1 week ago IOS: Fix return code inaccuracy (PR #12936 daripada vabold)
2407-76 1 week, 1 day ago RetroAchievements - Leaderboard Spam Fix (PR #12941 daripada LillyJadeKatrin)

Lihat versi lebih lama »

Linux distributions

Users of Linux distributions can look here to compile Dolphin: Building Dolphin on Linux

Kod sumber

Versi terkini kod sumber Dolphin boleh dimuat turun dari repositori⏎ projek Git.

    $ git clone

Anda juga boleh layari versi semasa kod sumber.

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